*sweet sticky kisses from suckers that were rewards for going to the potty(L) and memorizing bible verses (C & L)
*listening to big sister instruct little sister in a sweet loving way to "let me help you, baby"
*listening to little sister say" I need kiss" to big sister
*listening to big sister then say to little sister, "Sissy, I love your loves!!" :)
*watching little brother sit in the floor with his sisters as they stroke his hair while watching a movie or playing blocks
*my oldest daughter saying to me, "Mama, you are the best place in the world"
*watching the love of my life have tickle wars with all 3 of our children at the same time
*a drowsy some baby, some little boy(sniff.sniff.) burrowing his face in my shoulder after his bath
*checking in on my babies and watching them sleep, their little chests rising and falling softly and their little thumbs tucked in their mouths (they are sleepy thumb suckers, all 3 of them)
*crawling under the covers and holding the one true love of my life....the wonderful amazing Daddy of the 3 precious miracles God has loaned us....
and I sleep. Peaceful and content and whole.
Awesome rewards.
OKAY You have to bring my babies to see me!!!!! You Have too!!!! The 22nd right...thats just next weekend...come on..I am so ready for Mardels!!!!
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