*I'll try to be back with links and recipes during "Quiet time" today....we'll see! ha! For now, here's the basics:
I'm not going to do very many Meanderings this week. I am not really sure right now how our week is going to shape up so we will just organize what we can and go with the flow..
*Memory Verse: "Be very careful how you live-not as unwise but as wise; making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
*Bible Study: continuing in "The Mission of Motherhood"-sorry I haven't posted my notes..I plan to do that this week. Life gets away from me at times.
*Husband Encouragement: continuing "The Love Dare" and trying to keep things done that he ask me to do. I am trying to make his life easier in any way that I can.
*Train them up: Being gentle and kind (Me) and working on getting our schedule back on track (wake up, breakfast (school during breakfast (circle time), chores (Morning High 5), play outside or recess, lunch, school for girls while Drew naps, play outside or quiet time, Meal Preparation, Supper, chores (Evening High 5), bath and bedtime. =) Hopefully, we can get back on track.
~ Our bedroom (just clutter that needs to be put away)
~ Kids' toys and clothes (go through Spring clothes, put away most of winter. Clean out and organize toy totes)
~ Homeschool clutter (sort all books onto one bookshelf. Place workbooks into individual binders and finish color coding everything!)
~Keep the van cleaned out!! (This is really bugging Charlie and I am trying to keep this done. )
~Laundry folded and put away (same here. It bugs me and my husband. "Nuff said" Just do it!! Ha!)
*Books I am reading:
~The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
~My Busy Mom's Bible by Zondervan (this is just awesome!)
~The Love Dare (I have been reading this and putting this into practice since Fireproof came out. We work on this and then we get off track and start over and I can not recommend this book enough for your marriage!! I am so glad we saw this movie and so grateful that we attend a church that paid for us to do so and bought the books. A church that values the bond of marriage!!)
*Things I am thankful for today:
~A husband and children that love me
~My God is a loving and forgiving God
~This weather is GORGEOUS!!!
~Forgiveness and restoration
* I have changed my menu planning organization up a bit! You will notice that we are having "taco night" on Mondays for awhile...hubby loves tacos. And, Friday night will be sandwich/appetizer night and Saturday is homemade pizza. I just keep tweaking with it to see what makes it easier on us as a family. During this season of our lives, easy is preferred! =)
Monday- taco salad
Tuesday- fish & shrimp, baked potatoes, salad
Wednesday- beans & brown rice, salad
Thursday-Burritos(made with leftover beans & rice& shredded cheese), guacamole
Friday- submarine sandwiches, chips & dip
Saturday- Homemade pizza, salad
Sunday- Crockpot Chicken Chow Mein, egg rolls, Coconut Cream Pie
Join us at Sarah's delightful blog for more Monday Meanderings!
Julie, you are doing so great! I cannot even IMAGINE trying to juggle the housework, parenting, AND schooling AND wife duties AND taking care of yourself! But you do it, and you are amazing! I'll be praying for you, girl!
I love you my friend.
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