"Home is the nicest word there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
In love with Jesus. Wife to my best friend & man I love more than life. Mama to 4 amazing God given blessings. Proud Homemaker & Homeschooler. Living life with it's ups and downs and blogging about it!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Meanderings...

~Bible Study: continuing, "The Mission of Motherhood" eagerly awaiting Beth Moore's, "So Long Insecurity" that my sister so generously bought me...♥ my sissy, so much! :) ( I am almost finished with my "Mission of Motherhood" notes and hope to be able to sit down and share them soon.)

~Memory Verse: "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin." Exodus 34:6

~Husband Encouragement:

1.STOP complaining(I've started getting into the nasty little habit of complaining, recently, and I just want to nip this in the bud!)

2. Continue the Love Dare

3. Make sure he gets more sleep

~Train them up:

1. Work on Mommy's anger & attitude!

2. We are implementing new chores & routines with these ideas in mind.

3. It's Easter week! Doing some resurrection history, crafts, etc. Any ideas????

4. Starting the Morning High 5 and Evening High 5 and sticking to it ( I want to do a post on this soon.)

~Personal Goals:

*Get up before the children and have glass of ice water(wakes me up) and some quiet time with my bible

*Get laundry on the line and eggs gathered/washed before breakfast/school

* Starting the Flylady "Body Clutter" program that my friend Roxanna, recommended! It's so simple and I have been trying to do it for a week. It's my fault that I haven't stuck to it....stress makes me eat!! This week, we are starting over and I am going to do this!! Join me, it will be fun! :)



*clean out fridge

*Send late birthday cards & various gifts I need to mail out that have been slipping my mind. lol master bathroom, again (clutter is getting out of hand)

*Look into Medi-Share
*Pick up flooring for the house

*Pay bills

*Mail off census

*Be in bed by 10 pm every night (lights out not reading) :)


*We are starting to follow Flylady again and I am excited to get some control of our home/my life, again!!


Monday: Chicken tacos, guacamole & chips

Tuesday: Grilled chicken, baked sweet potatoes, salad

Wednesday: Baked potato soup, cornbread

Thursday: Breakfast burritos, Blackberry cobbler

Friday: Beef enchiladas, guacamole & chips, salad

~Fun things:

* Easter baking with my girls!!

*Easter celebration, dinner & egg hunting after church Sunday morning!

*Going fishing with Daddy on Saturday. =)

~Things I am thankful for today:

*my wonderful husband who works so very hard to provide for our family and doesn't ever complain!

*After today, I am grateful that my children still love and adore me. It's been that kind of day. :(

* A God who is ALL I need. I don't need someone's approval or friendship or even love. I have my God and my family and friends. That's enough for me. If someone has a problem with me, let God handle it. I just have to do my best and that's all I can do. :)

* Chickens that lay a huge amount of eggs even if I spend 1/4 of my day washing them!

* Our van and the room it provides. So nice. :)

* The beautiful sunshine that we have had lately. Gorgeous to play in and wonderful when your dryer is broke! lol

For more Monday Meanderings, join us at Sarah's delightful blog!



Debi said...

Great Monday post! I love both books you mentioned and Fly Lady's the best. We use Medi-Share and it's worth looking into. You're on a good path - thanks for sharing. You're not alone.

Sandi said...

Thanks for sharing the link to Charolotte Mason on habit training. I have been looking for something in regards to habits lately and this is perfect.

If we don't find Him in the small things, how will we ever find Him in the big ones? ~Elisabeth Elliot