~ I am going to take my kids out for breakfast!! Yes, all three and we are going to eat at the park! It's going to be so much fun and we are so excited!!!
~Going shopping today for a surprise for someone! Can't say! =)
~Housework is under control...still working on the clutter part but 15 minutes a day is doing MIRACLES!~!!! I ♥ Flylady, so much!!!
~I igot "So Long Insecurity, you've been a bad friend to me" by Beth Moore in the mail yesterday(THANKS SISSY!!!) and have already read 12 chapters...YES, I HAVE. =)
~LOVING the fact that we are HOMESCHOOLING (why, yes, spellcheck, that is one word!!!)
~Realizing that I am the best possible provider for our children. I have let other people's doubt and insecurities waver me on whether or not, I can do this or should be doing it! Well, I believe as their mother, that God says I can and should!! (If you are not homeschooling, that's fine. Completely the decision of you and your husband. I am not here to debate over it. Yes, I feel it is the best possible situation for all children. So, there, that is my belief. For those that have questioned me in the comment section.)
~Loving the fact that Dave Ramsey has so completely revolutionized the way we live!! Maybe congress should adapt a similar mentality??? LOL
~I am so completely at peace with the wonderful fact that we have 3 children under the age of 5 whom I am completely and totally responsible for and I AM LOVING IT!!!! It is hard, at times, but sooooo much of it is my attitude and my selfishness. I am facing that and dealing with it and today, I feel like God has led me through a dark valley!!! GOD IS SO GOOOD!! And, if you need me to pray for you, if you are in a dark place, a desperate place, I certainly WILL pray for you and with you!!! God never gives us more than we can handle and raising our children is such a privilege!! We are raising the children of our mighty God!! How awesome is that??
Well, I am off to spend the day with my beautiful gifts from God! Praying that all of you that read this little blog have an amazing God-filled day, as well!
Love to you all!
Enjoy your day with your beautiful blessings, love you.
Oh Julie, your JOY is radiating today!! Going to email you!
Julie - what a sweet post! I love your sweet ways, & to read of how you love your children is such a blessing! Honestly, it made me tear up. You have also given me an idea - I am going to take my Elliot & Emily to the park for breakfast! What a sweet idea! I homeschool too, & agree 100% with what you said. God gives us such a short window of time to influence them & I want to use every single moment! Plus, I don't want to miss a second of their lives! I am signing this with my blogger accout, but hope you can stop by to pay a visit to my everyday blog - http://homespunblessings.net/Gratefulheartblog.html Hugs!
Hi Jules! I just wanted to tell you that I did follow your inspiration, & took Elliot & Emily out for a breakfast picnic today. I posted pics, & I hope you drop by to take a peek at them. Sending you big hugs!!
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