"Home is the nicest word there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
In love with Jesus. Wife to my best friend & man I love more than life. Mama to 4 amazing God given blessings. Proud Homemaker & Homeschooler. Living life with it's ups and downs and blogging about it!

Thursday, January 21, 2010



This is a hard post to write and if you don't want to read it then you don't have to, it will not upset me in the least. After Lily was born I had some physical problems: excessive bleeding with huge clots, extreme exhaustion and fatigue, achiness and swelling in my abdomen. I also had extreme mood swings and horrible migraines. My gynocologist prescribed Yaz to help my symptoms. I took it for over 2 months before the bleeding stopped. The rest of my symptoms never did stop they just got a little better. I also began to be extremely anxious and irritable ALL of the time. I felt like I was losing control and didn't know what in the world was happening to me so after MUCH prayer and some articles we found that come from very trusted sources, we have decided to stop taking the pill. Mainly because there is other birth control that is a better option and I can use it without the conviction that I am doing something wrong. I had began to feel like birth control pills were wrong for me but I wasn't quite sure why it bothered me so much to take them until I read this article. I also read this article written by my cousin, Lacy Crowell. I know that the Lord was putting it on my heart not to take them and I am going to follow his leading. I cannot with a clear conscience take something that is going to starve to death my unborn child. I am telling you this so that you may know the truth they do not want you to know and so that you can make a more informed decision.

While I am on the subject of abortion, I want you to take a look at this post written by Jess at Making it Home. I warn you ahead of time, the links to the post are very hard to read and see, especially the ones with pictures of the aborted babies and the interview with the woman who worked in a lab dissecting the aborted precious babies to sell their body parts. I know that some people will not want to read it but I believe that it is necessary that we open our eyes to the truth. Reality is harsh, people ,but it is a fact of life. We have to educate ourselves and our children. We have to support unwed mothers(not make getting pregnant out of wedlock okay but spport their decision to raise their child or give it up for adopton), working mothers, those with many children and stop showing them disdain for getting themselves in "trouble "again. We have to look at children as the blessing from the Lord that they truly are. Until then, the abortion madness will continue to slaughter millions of innocent lives. Until then, innocent babies will be ripped out of their mothers wombs to lie dead or dying in a cold room with not one person who cares. Babies are our most precious gift from the Lord. No matter the circumstance, they are the most beautiful precious gift. What is wrong with a country that is so callous to human life? What have we become? Jess also has some wonderful suggestions on things we can do to support pregnant women, I plan on trying these myself and changing my attitude "You're having another one?"

I am not going to say anymore. Please read the links that I suggested and pray for these precious innocent babies.

Love and Prayers,


*For those who believe that I am crazy for discussing my personal life on here, I do believe things should stay personal, but in this case , I feel that I have to bring awareness to this, I have to let women know that birth control pills are not the "easy" solution they are made out to be. So, I am turning the comment moderator on for this post. Leave a comment but if it is ugly, mean or spiteful I will not publish it! Blessings to you and have a great day!


cryssi said...

So True...So True...I will email you later....

Denise said...

I applaud you, and your precious brave, and very beautiful heart.

Rachel said...

I think it's great that you discuss these matters... thanks for the links!

If we don't find Him in the small things, how will we ever find Him in the big ones? ~Elisabeth Elliot