Shutting this blog down. I would still email pictures and updates to family and friends and blogger friends but I really don't have the time to maintain it anymore. Also, I feel like I have to be positive all of the time(I put this expectation on myself, no one makes me feel that way) and I just can't do that. My life is not perfect. It's great, it's amazing, it's blessed but it's not PERFECT.
I just really need to have some time to ponder things so I probably won't be posting for awhile, at least. I have SO many things that I need to pray about and work on. I am feeling a little overwhelmed right now, in good ways and in stressed out ways but just overwhelmed! I need to take a break for a while and refocus.
Also, I think not posting on here and sending the updates to people instead would force me to have more contact, to reach out to the people that I need to reach out too. If that makes any sense? I think that sometimes I hide behind my blog because it is easier. There are many reasons that I do this and they have a lot to do with depression and anxiety but the reasons should not become excuses for going into hiding. I need to face things and deal with life. I have watched many family members and people that I know, hide behind their depression and I do not want to be that kind of person. I want to face my junk head on! That's what God wants from me.
So, I am on a break. I don't know for how long. Maybe from now on. Just until the Lord tells me different. Until I see some clarity in the things I need to deal with. If you want to, you may email me at
Hope to talk to you, person to person (through email or phone, that is!), soon!!!