"Home is the nicest word there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
In love with Jesus. Wife to my best friend & man I love more than life. Mama to 4 amazing God given blessings. Proud Homemaker & Homeschooler. Living life with it's ups and downs and blogging about it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday Meanderings....(on Tuesday)

~ Scripture memorization: 1 Peter (the entire chapter; I will be working on this ALL month long)

~zone: homeschooling bookshelf and laundry pile

~Training them up:

*chore chart
*working on Mama's attitude, this week!
*doing our Bible reading & devotional activity every.single.morning (first thing!!!)
*Somehow studying and learning new starts, do-overs, whatever you want to call them! I want to teach them GRACE and how to change your actions and follow through as a new creature (does anyone get what I am saying???) to REALLY rely on God to change you. Any ideas?????

~Things I MUST do:

*put chore chart up & actually follow it! :)
*clean out car (lol, AGAIN)
*come up with a better laundry system (any ideas??) Right now, I am doing around 5 loads a day (no joke) and it is killing me!!
*Finish reading John by Beth Moore
*work on surprise for hubby for our anniversary
*homeschool schedule revised & followed!!!!
Whoa! I've got soooo much to do!!

~Husband Encouragement:
*Surprise for our anniversary
*make breakfast and freeze it for his 4 am wake-up time..so I don't have to get up and cook but he still has a hot breakfast to enjoy that he doesn't have to cook at 4 a.m. or buy and spend 6-7 dollars a day (and that's cheap!!) No thank you. So, I am making extra burritos,pancakes and muffins again and freezing and going to try to make his breakfast at 4 am at least once a week and stay up to pray and just have quiet time. I really love the early morning.

Fun things:

~Anniversary trip later this month!!
~Supper out this weekend
~shopping with my babies tomorrow...this is really fun when they are cooperative! :)

Menu Plan: (Most of these recipes are from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook(which I LOVE) some of them are on her website, here.


*Pumpkin-cream cheese muffins
*Sour Cream pancakes, bacon (PW cookbook)
*Breakfast Burritos
*Migas (PW cookbook)
*Yogurt, granola, apples
*Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls, bacon, fruit salad (Sunday breakfast)


*Mac & Cheese
*PB& Honey on homemade bread  & bananas
*Pizza pockets
*salad, cheese sticks
*Sunday dinner: Chicken Spaghetti, olive cheese bread, salad, Flat Apple Pie (PW cookbook)


*Pot Roast, mashed potatoes, green beans
*Italian chicken, brown rice, baked sweet potatoes
*Migas, pico de gallo & chips
*Tortilla soup, guacamole
*Comfort Meatballs (PW), mashed potatoes,steamed cabbage
*leftovers or homemade pizza

dessert this week: Flat apple pie & Cheesecake

Link up at Sarah's for more Monday Meanderings & OrgJunkie for more Menu Plan Mondays(except it's Tuesday for me, lol)...


In Light of the Truth... said...

Anniversary trip? FUN! Where are you going??

5 loads of laundry A DAY?! That doesn't sound right. Are you waiting 'til they're full loads? Are there some things that can be worn again before being washed? Like pants, sweatshirts, jammies, etc

I love PW recipes, so it's super fun that you got her cookbook!

Hope you have a great week!

Jules said...

We are going to stay in a cabin at Beavers Bend State Park (about 30 min. away,it's gorgeous!!)

No, 5 loads is right on a bad day...on a good day it's around 3 or 4. We do a lot of farm work (chickens and just outside chores) so we get A LOT of clothes dirty!! I wish it weren't so! lol

Hope you have a great week, as well!

In Light of the Truth... said...

Fun! A cabin sounds PERFECT! I hope you and Charlie have a wonderful time away!! As we just found out with our trip, it is soooo necessary!

Ah yes, the farm chores... that would double the laundry right there!

cryssi said...

I didnt do Meanderings this week....with me not feeling good, it wouldnt have helped..but look out for next weeks, its liable to be long...lol.

lol.. We dont even have a farm yet and I already do 4 or 5 loads a day! (and yeah, we rewear...and reuse shower towels at least once...and I use the same towel on all three kids...just so i dont have three towels...) Just wait until Drew gets a little older...lol. Boys are so much fun on laundry....when you can find their dirty clothes that is!

I am planning on getting the PW cooks cookbook....should have just kept yours :) Love Ya Lots!

Hope you have a great day today!

If we don't find Him in the small things, how will we ever find Him in the big ones? ~Elisabeth Elliot