"Home is the nicest word there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
In love with Jesus. Wife to my best friend & man I love more than life. Mama to 4 amazing God given blessings. Proud Homemaker & Homeschooler. Living life with it's ups and downs and blogging about it!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Family snow days....

                3 sweet children trying out snow ice cream!! It was a hit! (My secret is to use half and half or whipping cream, vanilla and sugar) Yum!

*Top pictures: Blogger won't let me post captions for some reason. Anyway, top pics:

~Daddy & Drew checking out the snow!

~Claire & Lily hitting mama with snowballs!

All of the rain & snow meant that Daddy had almost 2 weeks off of work. So, we took advantage of it and enjoyed every.last.second of the snow!! Hope you enjoy the pictures! More to come....

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If we don't find Him in the small things, how will we ever find Him in the big ones? ~Elisabeth Elliot