Last night, I was thumbing through my new Bible I had just received in the mail. What I already LOVE about this Bible is the 1 minute thought starters that are placed throughout the book! This is what the packaging box says about those, "Throughout this Bible you will find fifty-two one -minute thought starters that let you dip into God's word for a minute of refreshment. To go deeper, each one of these Thought-Starters is followed by an option for a five-minute Reflect and Pray or a ten-minute Study to help you to learn even more about what God's word has to say to you today."
Anyway, as I was going through it trying to find something that applies to my right now, I came across this one:
What's that, again, God??????
Restore your Relationships.
And, it continued on and I knew I was out of my comfort zone:
1 minute: "If you ...remember that your brother has something against you...go and be reconciled to your brother." Matthew 5:23-24
'Forgiveness from God coupled with responsibility toward the other person are key to restoring relationships. In Jesus' eyes, broken relationships are always our responsibility. If someone has something against us, He calls us to go and make it right. If we have something against another, we're responsible to take the initiative to settle our differences (Matt. 18:15). It's not always comfortable, but it is always the right thing to do. Do whatever it takes to restore the relationship. Do it because it pleases God and because your relationships will be richer for it.
5 minutes:
Reflect and Pray: What are some ways you might need to reconcile your relationship with God? What relationship did you once enjoy that has since unraveled? What are steps you could take to restore that relationship?
10 minute: Study:
Turn to pg. 1151 for additional verses on Your Relationships. Look up and pray through some of the verses to learn more on this topic.
Word to take with you today: RESTORE
Wow. I could write a book on my struggles with relationships. I try, really I do but sometimes I give up. But, according to the study I am doing, it doesn't matter to Jesus. I need to get over myself and my hurt feelings and reach out. Even if I get kicked in the teeth (which is the case with a few people) I need to keep trying. For my sake. For my husband's sake. For the sake of my children. Because God says to do it. And that should be enough motivation to try.
This being a Christian stuff is hard sometimes. But oh-so-ever worth it!!!
I wonder when I will get mine! Cant wait!
Love Ya Sissy
Sounds wonderful.
Thanks for sharing Julie! I SO relate to what you said about struggling with relationship & sometimes wanting to give up. I find myself there many times, and it's usually from some dumb thing that came out of my mouth because I wasn't using my brain. It is my responsibility to do what I can to reconcile those relationships, because that's what Jesus commanded me to do. And, no it's not easy. Again, thanks for sharing. I certainly needed to hear it AGAIN! I can be a slow learner! Praise God for His love and patience.
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