Monday Meanderings:
Bible Study: "The Mission of Motherhood" Sally Clarkson
Memory Verse: "The rain came down,the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house;yet it did not fall, because it had it's foundation on the rock." Matthew 7:25
Husband Encouragment: 1.Starting the Love Dare & making some favorite meals. 2. Doing a better job of keeping things done. 3. Being more gracious about the demands that his job makes on his time. (I'm striving to be more humble this week.)
Train them up:
*To be continued...I am currently reading "The Mission of Motherhood" and processing so many things. I plan on posting what I am learning as I go. Starting tomorrow. :)
Things to do:
*Continue to work on organization...making progress!
*Keep laundry put away and OFF THE COUCH!! :)
* Finish painting our bathroom
*mail out birthday cards & gifts
*Living room -keeping it clear of clutter and laundry off the couch!
*Kitchen- organizing and decluttering (we are overrun with tupperware bowls and various's insane!)
*van-keeping the trash, toys, shoes, etc. contained!!
Exercise plans:
Haha. Yeah. :) Here goes:
I am not going to be focusing so much on exercising at this present time in my life. I am going to strive for 20 minutes 2 days a week or 10 minutes every other day...whatever I can fit in. Right now, with our schedule and life the way it is, we are going to be focusing on eating better and just getting as much exercise as possible. I found myself getting angry and discouraged because invaribly, when I would plan to exercise, something would come up! So, we are going to go slowly and I am going to be praying that I keep my focus first on my family, where it belongs. Exercise will happen but not if I try to force it. I don't know if that makes any sense to you but it's where we are at right now. My husband works all.the.time. and I am usually going it by myself 20 hrs.+ out of the day and with 3 children under 5 and's just not #1 priority right now! (Keep in mind, when you read our menu plan, that I will not be eating all of the things that my family eats. I use rice and bread, at times, as a meal stretcher to keep cost down. My husband and I often forgo the starch and limit the kid's portions).
Menu Planning: (Recipes are to be posted throughout the week. Hopefully.)
Monday: Indian tacos
Tuesday: Beans & smoked sausage, cornbread
Wednesday: Jambalaya & cornbread (This didn't get made last week. We had leftovers)
Thursday: Migas, guacamole & chips
Friday: chef salads
Saturday: Homemade pizza, salad
Sunday: Pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans,
desserts this week: chocolate delight & cheesecake (sugar free desserts)
Things I am thankful for this week:
*The weekend of sunshine and 60 degree temps! Later this week, the weather forecast calls for 70 degrees!!!!! :)
*Celebrating my birthday with the awesome family that God has provided!!
*Healthy children and a great marriage.
*Sally Clarkson and the Mission of Motherhood.
Join us at Sarah's with your Monday Meanderings!
Oh Julie, you are doing awesome! I can imagine how BUSY you are! And yet you continue to strive to do better and are growing every day! Blessings on your week, sweet friend!
You are wonderful, love you.
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