"Home is the nicest word there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
In love with Jesus. Wife to my best friend & man I love more than life. Mama to 4 amazing God given blessings. Proud Homemaker & Homeschooler. Living life with it's ups and downs and blogging about it!

Monday, May 3, 2010

~Monday Meanderings~...

~Monday Meanderings....

~Bible Study: The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

~Memory Verse: "Ephesians 4:29" " Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (I've memorized this before but this week I just really need to focus on this verse!)

~Husband Encouragement:

*saying NOTHING negative (see above verse)

*making some favorite meals & desserts

*keeping tea and drinks made & in the house because my hubby has kidney stones and can't have soda..he has been trying to stop drinking them,anyway, so it would be very helpful if I could keep stuff in the house that he could take to work to drink.

*Make & pack his lunch for work everyday

* Write a love note to place in his lunchbox everyday.

*Budget for some new lingerie.

~Training them up:

*See memory verse. Mama has had a hard time with yelling today. Thus, the memory verse and The Ministry of Motherhood bible study.

*Working on organization. I am going to purchase some new bins for their toys, blocks, art supplies, school supplies, etc. this week.

*enforcing chore charts...we have gotten away from this lately.

*Letting the girls "earn" a treat when they memorize a verse. Seems to be working great so far!

*Working on attitude...theirs and mama's. :)

~Personal Goals:

*Drink more water..I used to drink so much water but have gotten away from it and I can definitely feel the effects of it!

*Take my vitamins..same thing.

*Read my Busy Mom's Bible every day (even if only for a minute).

*Stay off the computer at night and during the day. Only have computer time during naps and during their TV time.

*FOCUS on Charlie when he's home. Ask him if he needs anything and then do my best to get it done.

*Exercise & get to bed at a decent hour (by 10 pm)

~Must do!

*Mail invitations to Lily's birthday party

*pay electric bill and insurance

*Make plans for Charlie's birthday (coming up)

*Take baby gifts to my friend, Misty and my cousin, Lindsey.

*Make plans to visit my sister and her family!!!


The yard(flowerbeds) and the garden!!!! Also, working on washing the windows and cleaning the vinyl siding on our home. =D  (Love working outside!!)

~Menu: I'll post recipes and links, hopefully by tomorrow.

*Monday- Crockpot Roast w/onion soup & cream of mushroom soup, mashed potatoes (gravy from the roast), green beans, sliced strawberries w/whipped cream.

*Tuesday- Hash from leftover roast (meat, onions, fried potatoes, ketchup), corn on the cob, Peas & carrots

*Wednesday- Baked Salsa Chicken (new recipe, will share if we like it), rice, salad

*Thursday- Pinto beans, fried potatoes w/onion, cornbread (hubby requested)

*Friday- sloppy joes, corn on the cob, salad

*Saturday- Homemade pizza, salad

*Sunday-Crock pot Jambalaya, cornbread

~Fun things!

*Lily's birthday party!

*taking the kids to the library this week! (who doesn't like books??) lol

*We are going to have a park breakfast and play until lunch and then have a picnic lunch and come home and take a nap...hope it works out this way!

*Working in the garden and yard with Daddy!

~Things I am grateful for!

*Jesus and GRACE


*That my husband is doing better. He's in a lot of pain but is feeling much better than he did. And, I can tell, with the diagnosis, some of the stress has been lifted from his shoulders! Soooo grateful for that!

*Healthy happy children!

*Sunshiney days!

*New cookbooks

*Sally Clarkson

*our church

*my dad has had a great week..he just seems better and that makes me happy! =D

Join us at Sarah's for more, Monday Meanderings!


1 comment:

Denise said...

I love you sweet friend.

If we don't find Him in the small things, how will we ever find Him in the big ones? ~Elisabeth Elliot