Here's what has been going on in the Fogg household lately. I will try to come back tonight and add pics and post my meanderings for this week (I have a lot of them! lol)
* My hair is DARK now and I absolutely LOVE it!!! Charlie says it looks awesome so that is enough for me! I think dark looks so much better at Christmas time! And, yes, my hair is always brown but this looks a lot better!
*Santa gave me a new printer/scanner/copier and not a moment too soon! My old one bit the dust a couple of months ago! Not fun for this homeschooling mama!! This one is so cool. It's a smart touch and it's just awesome! I love it!!
*We have been making lots of goodies. This afternoon I am going to try and make the VeggieTales recipe for sugar cookies with the girls and let them frost them...can't wait and we will take pics!!
*We have had SO much fun as a family lately!! We took the kids Christmas shopping (a 2 hr. drive) the other day and they were SO good the entire time!! YAY!!!!
*We have an Advent calendar (a gift from a friend) and it is so awesome!! I will take pics and show it to you! Daddy does it with the kids at night. We really do it because it tells the story of Jesus and the history of the Jews and the family of Jesus and we think that is important to know. We ourselves have learned so many things already from doing this calendar but it's also written where we can explain it in simpler terms to the kids! Love it!!
*Tonight we are taking our annual pajama pictures under the tree with our Christmas pj's!! I ususally get them from Old Navy but snagged some $5 pair at Wal-Mart and they were just as cute so......I just went with those!! Pics to come!
Well, that wraps up some of it...I will be back later tonight, hopefully, to share more with you! We are just busy making memories this Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
all super fun stuff! can't wait to see pics, especially of your new gorgeous hair!
Thanks for the update, love you sweetie.
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