"Home is the nicest word there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
In love with Jesus. Wife to my best friend & man I love more than life. Mama to 4 amazing God given blessings. Proud Homemaker & Homeschooler. Living life with it's ups and downs and blogging about it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~A more organized alternative to bookmarking!~

I recently stumbled upon a little thing called "Delicious" on someone's blog I was reading. It was a life changing revolution! No kidding! Instead of bookmarking a site of interest on my computer, I can bookmark something, tag it with the appropriate subjects (for example: a Charlotte Mason site would be tagged: homeschooling, CM, resources) and all of my bookmarks are kept on my Delicious page so I can access them with one easy click and they can be sorted according to subjects! Awesome for a busy homeschooling mama like myself! :)

I know it may sound confusing because I am not to good at explaining things so check it out for yourself and see how easy it is! Here's my Delicious page if you would like to see what I am currently perusing through! (Also, on my sidebar is the link to my Delicious page so you can click there at any time and read away to your heart's content!)




Anonymous said...

I love delicious! I have almost 5000 bookmarks - there is no way I could keep track of all that without the categories.

Here's mine:

Denise said...

Thanks for sharing.

If we don't find Him in the small things, how will we ever find Him in the big ones? ~Elisabeth Elliot